The Thing that does stuff!

I know you're not going to believe me but everything I tell you is true! 9/11 was a lie.... But besides that! One day I was sitting on my chair... it broke with a snapping noise and I fell on my butt... It hurt a little so I did some stuff and then looked at my chair that was now snapped in half. I picked both the parts of it up and put them on the table. But then I fell! My step dad yelled at me.. saying, or yelling whatever, "Stop banging!" So I did. I put a note on the broken chair saying "Sorry about the chair!" And went on to play video games... But then I started to bleed hyper-realistic blood! I got a paper towel and cleaned myself up... I went back to playing games. I was playing World of Warcraft hanging with some buds and roleplaying! It was pretty great. I got off a bit later I think it was like 2 AM and went to bed. I had a pretty good sleep and then something did some stuff and I died. THE END.

Da banana.png
CHAIRCHAIR.jpg|so spikey